DNEL Management is a cutting-edge Business Management and Artist Development Company. We provide our talented handpicked artists with holistic and forward-thinking management services. We develop the brand by maximizing the dream into an on stage reality.

Artistic Development


Social Media Management
Even artist such as Britney, Beyonce, Miguel, Justin has gone through massive artist development to ensure there show is the best in the industry. Artist development training is not hard, it’s time consuming. It takes time, effort, drive, follow through, and commitment to get it right. We require that your as committed as we are. There is a huge misunderstanding of what artist development really is. Some fear it means changing who they are, what they do, how they talk, or how they appear to their fans. Others think it is a form of “selling out.” Artist development is finding your inner strengths, and weaknesses, as an artist and making sure they are the best they can be. As your management team this is our focus
Artist development is not genre specific. Meaning is does not matter what genre of music you perform. Even the most heavy of thrash metal bands work on developing their brand. Artist development consist of tricks, tips, and techniques in itself. The “IT” factor. Have you ever listened to a radio or TV interview and heard “well, uh, you know, I, uh, well, you know, uh work hard at my show.” Unfortunately, this is the norm, not the exception when it comes to new artist interviews. When you hear an interview that sounds like this, you know that there was absolutely no time spent with this artist working on interviewing skills training. What does your current stage show and presence look like? Do you really know? Have you ever video taped a performance? This is all a part of Artist development. Do not just work on your songs and playing or singing them correctly. Working on the total package is where we focus. From your persona, ability to interview well, your look, choreography. All the factors which make you a STAR. National acts got to be national because they had the stage presence to win over any sized crowd! They only got this by working on the artist development. Here at DNEL we develop your brand completely.
We Introduce Your Brand through Publicity. Our team works with a variation of media outlets. From bloggers, magazines, internet radio, radio, tv. And even old fashion word of mouth networking.
Your brand launch is an ideal opportunity to generate publicity for you "The Product". Your talent , back story can turn it into a newsworthy story. Generating publicity for your brand can be trickier than you think. Ask yourself, “How important is brand announcement to the audience of the media outlet where we want a your music, artistic craft, your story to run or air?” We develop clear precise answers, press release, media kits and portfolios for your brand.
Our Marketing team decides your target audiences . Our publicist determines the best way to reach via publicity.
We establish the nature of the story, product in which you want consumers to see, hear, or read about your brand launch. Target media outlets.
Research and select publications and broadcast vehicles are all within our reach. The audiences you’re trying to reach we take care of that. We get the word out by any means necessary.
DNel Management has a team of specialist who manages our clients social media. An artist or group is a difficult task to take on and should not be a task that is delegated to a third party without considerable thought and preparation. This is the reason our clients social platforms are managed in house. Media has become an integral part of every successful artist branding campaign and requires the person at the helm of an artist’s digital marketing campaign to be well versed not just in social media, but also in all aspects of an artist’s campaign. For this reason our social media team works closely with our marketing department.
At DNEL, we work directly with our clients to create a custom social media / digital marketing solution for musicians that can include but is not limited to:
Creating, curating and disseminating a regular stream of multi-media promotional and personal content online (including blog posts, social media updates, videos, photos, etc.). We work to ensure content is curated with specific applications and placements in mind in order to maximize artists’ visibility and awareness.
Growing the artist’ email lists, boosting website traffic and the number and quality of social media followers. Providing more opportunity for fan interactivity with our artist’ fans and followers.
Suggesting and implementing online advertising and overseeing the production and creative for this advertising of the Artist brand.